I learned the media can have a large or little impact upon people’s perception of stereotypes depending on the person’s levels of seven set point factors and six factors special to a type of effect. Some examples of the set point factors include a person’s maturity or lifestyle. The content of the messages and the context of the portrayals are examples of the factors special to a type of effect.
I found that Will and Grace really reinforced the gay stereotype through its characters and situations. Gay men were portrayed as overly feminine and obsessed with fashion and appearance.
Not only did it reinforce the gay stereotype but it put down heterosexuals. An example of this is in the episode “A Chorus Line” when one of the main characters, Jack, makes heterosexual men seem savage because they drink beers as apposed to gay men who drink white wine. Furthermore, in this episode guest star Matt Damon poses as a homosexual to get into the Gay Men’s Chorus, stating he likes to sing and there is no place in the world for a heterosexual man who sings.

Similarly, I noticed many media effects reinforcing the female image stereotype on The Girls Next Door. The show is about Hugh Hefner’s three girlfriends who are all blonde, good-looking, thin, and have large breasts. They have no jobs and their lifestyle consists of partying. The show says to viewers that a female’s life should revolve around a man, females should always look amazing – by wearing tight clothes and having surgery if necessary, and females main goal is partying.
This media message reinforces the stereotypical female image and depending on how these factors influence people it could cause a rather negative effect. Hopefully, people have been instilled with factors that would lower their risk set points such as knowing the girls do not hold typical lifestyles and being mature enough to realize there is more to life than partying.
Through examining these media effects I found I am affected by the media, some instances more than others. On Will and Grace I understand it is a comedy and not all gay people fall into the category of Will or Jack. However, my risk factors are higher when watching The Girls Next Door. I identify more with the girls on this show being that it is a reality show and the girls are somewhat close to my age, so I sometimes find myself being envious of their lifestyle.
After examining the media’s effects I can see how it manipulates people into acting or thinking a certain way. My goal for the future is to be more aware of the media making sure it does not affect my decisions.
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